Sunday, March 8, 2009

Auto Insurance - What'S In Your Policy?

Auto Insurance - What's In Your Policy?
By alexander adieme
If you are in an auto accident - the last thing on your mind should be money. It is important to know you are covered and what that coverage includes.
While thinking about wrecking your car probably isn't the most pleasant thought, it is important to purchase auto insurance so you will be compensated for your losses and have funds secured for those unforeseen events.
The value of auto insurance cannot be stressed enough. If you are an uninsured driver involved in an accident, you may face thousands - possibly millions - of dollars in expenses, depending on the severity of the situation.
So you've purchased auto insurance. That's good. Even more important, however, is knowing what that auto insurance covers if you are involved in a wreck or find your automobile broken into.
There are several types of personal auto insurance coverage. While you are not required to purchase all of the offered coverages, most states require you buy a few of them. Let's examine some of the coverages you might find in your personal auto insurance policy:
The basics of auto insurance include liability, property, medical and under/uninsured motorist coverage.
Liability coverage pays for bodily injury or property damage claims to those you are legally responsible for. This coverage takes care of the damage you cause to someone else or his or her property.
Property coverage compensates for damage to or the theft of your car. Two types of property coverage include collision and comprehensive.
Medical coverage is responsible for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder's car. Coverage is provided regardless of whether the individual is a passenger or struck as a pedestrian.
Uninsured motorist coverage reimburses you if you are hit by an uninsured driver. Underinsured motorist coverage provides compensation if the party at fault does not have adequate coverage to pay for your entire loss.
These are just a few of the coverages that might be found in your personal auto insurance policy. Do you know what's in your policy? If not, it might be a good idea to take a look and understand the ways you, your car and your loved ones may or may not be protected. To the insurance company, plain and simple, you are a set of risks. Anything you can do to decrease your "risk factor" might affect your cost of coverage.
Always ask for discounts. Many insurance companies offer deals for safe drivers. If you're considered less of a risk, they'll likely reward you.
You can always eat too much cheesecake. You may get tired of Harry, Hermione and Ron. And that tube of Dior mascara will eventually get clumpy. Your auto insurance, however, is one purchase that you should never regret or feel guilty about. It will only cushion you in the end. Are you covered?

How To Off-Road In Style

The challenge ahead for you is two-track, not some Matrix shoot-em-up fantasy; That is not you, by any stretch of the imagination. And the UTV Concepts ATV and UTV accessory design team are with you The only thing you've got in common with Neo, is a certain proclivity for trenches, but not the kind you put on -- again, the UTV Concepts ATV and UTV accessories design team are with you. The soul of geography rests within history. Where is your history about to be made? We say it's in your UTV Concepts accessorized ATV. Just like you, the UTV Concepts ATV accessories design team has never rested on their laurels. Heck, the design team; don't rest at all -- it's simply not in their DNA. So you have even more in common with the UTV Concepts ATV accessories design team than you could have ever possibly imagined. Really though, how much imagining does it take to choose UTV Concepts accessories for your ATV? Not much, right? Just a matter of overhead for you, isn't it? That is, your roll-cage. Up-top there's daylight; beginning and ending at once. Exploration: there's nothing about defeat in that word; nothing virtual, either. The design team are with you all the way. And since there are no white-lines, parallel or else for miles; this may as well be a moonscape. And where's the challenge for you? Well, it is practically everywhere that a UTV Concepts accessorized ATV can traverse -- that means anywhere, any terrain on Earth. This is where the UTV Concepts ATV accessories design team really comes into view. And no, not via some PlayStation console. They also do not serve double-duty on behalf of Google Earth, or for that matter, NASA. But you can always log onto the UTV Concepts website to sneak preview not only what the team is planning, but more -- where you and your UTV Concepts accessorized ATV will be blasting off to next. UTV Concepts ATV accessories are not "extras" or "bling" that you or your ATV can simply go without. Like much of history, at UTV Concepts to accessorize is never a decision, it is the choice.

By : jamiehanson

Hands Free Phone Accessories For Your Car

The image of a successful executive behind the wheel of a Bentley talking on his cellphone has been made a whole lot funnier in this day and age by the knowledge that he is likely to get arrested for such behaviour. However, this vindictiveness aside, there is an important point to be made about cellphone use while driving.
It has been proved again and again that driving while talking on the phone is dangerous. Even the quick-witted among us cannot realistically carry on a conversation, control a vehicle, hold a cellphone and watch the road at the same time. This means that talking and driving can be massively dangerous - which is why it is now illegal to do it in more than a few states.
To clarify that point, no state has made it completely illegal to use your cell while sitting at the wheel, but almost all have some form of restriction on the practice. It will at least be treated as a "distracted driving issue", which for one thing will place the blame squarely on you in the case of any accident. Bad for your driving licence, bad for your insurance and bad for other drivers.
How do you get around this? Or, a better question, what can you do to make your cellphone use at the wheel safer? After all, sometimes it will be necessary to make or take a call while driving. Well, the hands-free kit is your friend in such a situation. With an earphone and microphone attached to the cell you can carry on a (brief) conversation while steering your car towards its destination - though there is still no substitute for pulling over to a safe spot if the conversation is one that will require a lot of brain power. This way you get to carry on the conversation and live to have others.
Hands-free kits are not expensive. In addition, by that we do not mean in the same way as a night at the theatre can be "surprisingly inexpensive". They are not expensive compared to the average bottle of soda. So expense is no defense where these babies are concerned. Hands-free kits are on the market for as little as $2. If you cannot afford that, then start parking further away from the gates at work and the saving you will make on petrol in a week will pay for the hands free kit. At the other end of the market you will find some that get up above $100, but if you are spending that much on something that can be got for 2% of that price then your priorities really need to be questioned.
A mid-range headset is more than acceptable, and there are Bluetooth-enabled headsets out there for $15 and under. So if you do not have a hands-free kit and you like to chat while driving, spend the money now. It is much better than a fine or a spell behind bars, is it not?

By : Levi Quinn

How To Change A Car Air Filter

The air filter in your car may not be something that you pay a massive amount of attention to, but it can quickly become so if you let it become blocked. A blocked air filter will greatly reduce the power that you get from your vehicle - good luck getting up a steep hill with what amounts to a vacuum cleaner with seats - and further to that it has the same effect on fuel efficiency that a volcano has on a remote island paradise. You could be paying out roughly the same per week in extra fuel costs that you would have to spend on just replacing the filter - something that only needs to be done once or twice a year at most. So let us think - an extra $20 twice a year, or the same amount 52 times?
You know it makes sense - and it takes very little time, Ten minutes if you are prepared to get your head down and your hands dirty. So now you have no excuse not to do it, OK? So let us get over to the car and pop that hood. You are looking for a black plastic case with metal bits on either side of it. It has a black tube going into it. There you go! Now, flip those clips open. Lift off the top of the filter casing, and if there are any small parts that you remove in doing so, keep them safe! The process will take longer than 10 minutes if you have to spend five of them asking "Did anyone see where I put those nuts?" Much longer, if you are immature enough to laugh everytime someone says "nuts".
Now, the old filter will just be sitting there, ready to be taken out. Take a few moments to look at it. Not because you are going to miss it, or anything, but because you want to get a good look at how the one you are fitting needs to sit. Incorrectly placed, a new filter will be more effective than no filter at all. Now lift that filter out carefully, ensuring that none of the larger bits of debris fall into the workings. Have a look at those larger bits of debris. That is what has been causing you to have to pull in every time you see a gas station.
Now, put the new filter in and make sure as mentioned above that it is sitting correctly in the casing. Push it down properly - not hard enough to break anything, but so that it pops in snugly and you can get the cover back on properly. And next comes the tricky bit. Waving goodbye to fuel wastage. It will be a difficult experience for you, of course, because you have been attached to having to remortgage your house every time you want to fill the tank. No, seriously, you are done. How easy was that? Real easy, plus you saved money, plus you did it all yourself. Well done!

By : Levi Quinn